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The Outpouring of The Holy Spirit

John 14:26, John 16:1-11 One of the key fundamentals of our faith is the indwelling of the Holy spirit in the life of a born again Christian, after you received the Lord Jesus Christ, it is important you are filled with the Holy ghost and retain his presence in our life.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is the pouring out of God’s Spirit to fill and indwell people; this was prophesied in the Old Testament and fulfilled at Pentecost (Acts 2). This event was predicted in the Old Testament: in Isaiah 44:3 God said to Israel, “I will pour water on the thirsty land,and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.” The Holy Spirit is pictured as the “water of life” that saves and blesses a dying people.

On the day of Pentecost, Peter quoted another prophecy as being fulfilled: “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Joel 2:28 -29, 32).

The Outpouring of the Holy spirit in the sense of this service is suck that there will be a new experience for those who have not received the Baptism, those who have left God, moved away from God’s presence and the Holy spirit has departed from them, there

shall be a new awakening, God will be ushering a new experience from today even for those who have received the Holy spirit. There can be no outpouring and this experience without the person of the Holy spirit. Who is the Holy spirit; The Person of the Holy spirit The Holy spirit is a personality and not a feeling, he is a person, he is the third person in trinity- God the father, God the Son and God the holy spirit; He is known as: 1. The Comforter- John 16:5-7, He is the one that will make life more comfortable and profitable as we serve the Lord; 2. He is the Revealer of the hidden treasures of the kingdom of God - John 14:25- 26; 3. The central figure behind any breakthrough in life - Acts 1:8, Acts 19:11-12; 4. Releases people from the clutches of fear - 5. Sin against the Holy spirit is Sin against God- Eph.4:30 6. Blasphemy against the Holy spirit is unpardonable - Mathew 12:31 7. It is difficult and dangerous for a believer to run the race without the Holyspirit. 8. Where he is there is Liberty

Qualities of the Holy spirit 1. He is Omnipotent, the all Powerful, the All Invincible, Micah 3:8, Ps.139:7, Eph.2:12; 2. He is Omniscient -1Cor.2:10-11; He is the All Knowing, All seeing, Wise God; 3. The Holy spirit is present everywhere, no matter where you go, he goes with you, Psalm 139:7, 4. He Comforts, He Teaches and Guides, John 14:26; John 15:26, John 16:13; 5. He reproves, helps us, glorifies and intercedes, John 16:7-13, Romans 8:26; 6. He is the Oil of Joy- Isaiah 61:3,

7. He is the Oil of gladness - Psalm 45:7; 8. He is also the consuming fire of God which separates the believer- Mathew 3:11- 12, 9. He is the divine wind of God’s Church and the enabling Grace behind a fruitful and rewarding Christian Race 10. He has al Knowledge, nothing is hidden from him, he knows all things 1" Cor. 2:10; What the Holy Spirit Does and Can Do For Us 1. Empowers You - Acts 1:8, Acts 1:1-19 2. He is the God’s seed of power in a believer planted during baptism of the Holy spirit - Acts 1:8. 3. The power received during baptism helps a believer become a true witness of the word, makes someone who was timid and intimidated to become bold and strong in God -Acts 2:1-47, Acts 4:10-20; 4. He quickens our mortal bodies- Roman 8:11, which means that sickness is not permitted to leave in our bodies; 5. He guides us into all truth, makes us understand issues clearly- John 16:12-13; 6. He reveals things yet to happen and on known to people - Acts 21:4, 10-12; 7. He helps us remember all things- John 14:26, especially when you need it most. 8. He convicts and reproves us of sin- Zech 4:6; 9. Helps us leave righteously, 10. He intercedes for us - Roms 8:26-27; 11. He gives spiritual unto spiritually hungry men like me and you, 1 Corinth 12:4,11 12. When you need to speak and you don’t know what to say, he puts words in your mouth- Math 10:19, Exo. 4:12

Baptism of The Holyspirit Acts 2:38, Luke 11:9-13 Your vessel has to be clean and your temple ready to receive and be occupied by the Holy Ghost.

1. You must be Born Again - John 3:3, Acts 3:19;

2. Desire it and be thirsty for him - Psalm 37:4

3. Believe that the promise of the Holyspirit is for you - Acts 2:33;

4. Have confidence in the word of God which will never fall to the ground - John 7:37-39, Psalm 119:89;

5. Ask the Lord for the baptism and you will receive, he that asks receives, Luke 11:10

6. Praise him and thank Him in advance for the baptism of the Holy spirit.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the baptizer himself, Math 3:11, the process involves worshipping God, praise, thanksgiving and with a right mind, Ps. 100:4, 66:18. The focus must be Jesus Christ. After asking for the Holy spirit in faith, he himself gives utterance which is shown outwardly be speaking in tongues, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 10:44-

The baptism welcomes the believer into God’s Power Manifestation, the divine ability to do exploits- Luke 24:49, John 14:12.

How Do You Know You have Received the Holyspirit

1. You begin to exhibit Godly Character - Galatians 5:22-23;

2. You begin to demonstrate Power, Passion for God/Win Souls-Acts 1:8;

3. Evidence of speaking in Tongues;

4. All that fills your heart is Jesus Christ and Salvation- Romans 5:5

5. Assurance of your Salvation - Romans 8:6;

6. Knowledge of the Truth, Bible easily understood, 1John 2:27;

7. Holiness, The Holyspirit makes you holy - 18t Peter 1:2

How do you retain the Holy Spirit

1. Keep away from Sin, some of us have backslided and moved away from God;

2. Learn to work with God

3. Worship and constant stay in his presence.



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